The Ultimate Guide To Funko WB 100th Anniversary NFTs

Get ready for a cinematic celebration! 🌟 Funko's WB 100th Anniversary NFTs, featuring iconic Looney Tunes characters in legendary roles, is dropping today on October 3rd @ 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET.

The Ultimate Guide To Funko WB 100th Anniversary NFTs

Hold onto your movie tickets because we're diving deep into the cinematic universe with Funko's latest NFT series: Warner Bros 100th Anniversary.

Funko WB 100th Anniversary drops October 3 @ 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET.

This digital celebration invites you to the iconic world of Warner Bros, where legendary characters like Bugs Bunny, Lola Bunny, and Wile E. Coyote take on iconic roles from the vast WB filmography. Encounter legendary characters like Bugs Bunny as Morpheus, Lola Bunny as Jane Jetson, and the cunning Wile E. Coyote as Batman.

Ready to journey through a century of Warner Bros magic and claim your piece of digital Funko history?

Let's dive in!

"That's all, folks!" - Porky Pig

1. Warner Bros NFT Packs

At launch, the traditional Funko NFT packs are up for grabs—Standard and Premium.

Pack Amount Released No. of NFTs Launch Price Launch Date
Standard Pack 15,000 5 $9.99 USD October 3rd, 2023
Premium Pack 15,000 15 $29.99 USD October 3rd, 2023

Be on high alert on Droppp to get in line as queues will start approximately 10 minutes before the 2 pm ET launch. New to this? We got you! Our guide will walk you through setting up your Droppp account:

The Ultimate Guide To Funko NFT Droppp Account
Funko released their new Droppp platform, the new home of all future Funko NFT drops. Learn how to transfer Funko NFTs, open packs and more!

2. Warner Bros NFT Collection & Rarities

Every iconic character from the Warner Bros universe is captured here, from the cunning Bugs Bunny to the adventurous Lola Bunny. Dive deep into the rarities and discover the treasures within.

NFT Rarity Type No of Templates % Odds Of Unpacking Total Circulation Per Unique Template
Common 28 49.66% (1/1) 148,975 5,321/5,322
Uncommon 20 26.67% (3/1) 80,000 4,000
Rare 15 14% (6/1) 42,000 2,800
Epic 12 7.6% (12/1) 22,800 1,900
Legendary 4 1.73% (57/1) 5,200 1,300
Grail 1 0.33% (302/1) 999 999
1 of 1 3 0.005% (0.015% Premium) 3 1
Series Coin 1 10% (30% Premium) 6,000 6,000

Your odds for pulling a Grail NFT—Wile E. Coyote as Batman —in this case, are 302/1 per NFT pack slot.

Odds Calculator

Calculate your average pulls based on the type and number of packs you're planning to buy! Just plug in your numbers and get instant probabilities.


Ever wondered how many WB 100th Anniversary packs have been opened? The number of Legendary or Grail NFTs still to be found? Or the top account holders of each redeemable pop?

Head on over to the excellent Pop In Stock WB 100th Anniversary NFT tracker.

3. Physical Redemption and Royalty Collection

There are six physical Funko Pops up for grabs, all featuring Looney Tune Characters dressed in Warner Bros-inspired costumes. Five of these can be redeemed by collecting the Grail and Legendary NFTs.

The Grail for this drop is Wile E. Coyote as Batman (999 available, 0.33% chance) and the Legendary are Lola Bunny as Jane Jetson, Bugs Bunny as Morpheus, Porky Pig as Robin, and Road Runner as The Flash (1,300 available each, 1.73% chance).

Royalty Collection

The Royalty collection reward is claimed when you complete the entire 75 NFT set (excluding legendary, Grail, Series Coin and 1-of-1).

In simple terms, if you collect all 28 common, 20 uncommon, 15 rare and 12 epic NFTs from the set, you'll have completed the Royalty Collection and will be able to redeem an exclusive Daffy Duck as Pennywise (above-limited to 1,900 pieces).

5. Redemption & Important Dates

Make sure all your Royalty NFTs are in a single Droppp or WAX wallet for the Redemption Token drop.

  • October 3, 2023: Digital Pop! Pack Drop
  • January 31, 2024: Redemption Token Drop
  • March 1, 2024: Redemption Window Ends
  • Q3 2024: Physical Collectible Delivery

Learn everything you need to know about redeeming your physical Funko Pop! in our ultimate guide.

All redemption dates for all Funko NFT sets can be found here:

Funko NFT Redemption Dates
Here is everything you need to know about Funko NFT redemption dates for the physical rewards, including live, upcoming and closed redemptions!

Keep your eyes glued to as we bring you more updates, guides, and insider tips on the latest Funko NFT drops!

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