TMNT Stranger Things Comic: The Upside Down Turned Upside Down

In a fun twist, IDW Publishing and Dark Horse Comics are taking us on a journey where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, our favourite sewer-dwelling, pizza-munching heroes, are about to bump into the Stranger Things crew in a cracking new comic crossover series!

You can check the availability of TMNT Stranger Things #1 on, or pre-order the kindle edition on on for just £2.55.

Just picture it - a journey where New York City, complete with its hidden lair of turtle martial artists, mingles with the retro vibes of Hawkins and the Upside Down. It's like an 80s pop culture explosion that's set to shake up the comic world!

The brain behind this wild crossover is Cameron Chittock, of Mapmakers fame, penning a storyline that has the Stranger Things kids setting foot in the Big Apple, hoping for an adventure free of inter-dimensional monsters. Of course, it wouldn't be much fun if everything went to plan, would it? Cue some familiar yet uniquely weird threats, and who better to help tackle them than the Ninja Turtles themselves?

On the art side, Fero Pe, who has been rocking the ongoing TMNT series at IDW, is crafting the look for this epic mashup. He's going for an aesthetic that captures the spirit of the original TMNT comics, the perfect match for the setting of Stranger Things.

It's also not the first time we have seen this mash up. Playmates released TMNT Vs Stranger Things figures last year, featuring two twin picks: Leonardo Vs Eleven and Raphael Vs Hopper. If you are in the UK, you can get a cracking deal on the latter, with Raphael vs Hopper Reduced to £18.30 (from £39.99!).

So, mark your calendars! The first issue of this thrilling TMNT x Stranger Things saga hits the stands on 12th July, running alongside another TMNT cross-over - TMNT vs. Street Fighter, also from IDW Publishing.

Oh and there are also TMNT Vs Streetfighter figures too (also available in the UK)!

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