Funko Launch Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Funko Pops

What's it like to be thirty years young and still be able to execute flawless high-kicks and other impressive martial arts moves while wearing a dinosaur-themed helmet? Just ask the Power Rangers. As this year marks three decades since they first burst onto our TV screens, Funko is paying tribute with a fresh line of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers collectible figures.

The lineup is based on the original Power Rangers team, with fans and collectors undoubtedly thrilled at the opportunity to preorder these Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' 30th Anniversary Funko Pops. These Pops, priced between $12 and $13 depending on the retailer, are sure to teleport you right back to the 90s.

Amazon and Entertainment Earth have jumped into the Morphin fray, listing all six Rangers—Red, Yellow, Blue, Pink, Black, and Green—for preorder. The best price, availability and estimated shipping is with Entertainment Earth.

You can find all preorder links below:

Green Ranger - $12.99/$11.99 - Amazon / Entertainment Earth

Red Ranger - $12.99/$11.99 - Amazon / Entertainment Earth

Black Ranger - $12.99/$11.99 - Amazon / Entertainment Earth

Blue Ranger - $12.99/$11.99 - Amazon / Entertainment Earth

Pink Ranger - $12.99/$11.99 - Amazon / Entertainment Earth

Yellow Ranger -  $12.99/$11.99 - Amazon / Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth expects September shipping, whilst Amazon is October/November. You also get Entertainment Earth's Mint Condition Guarantee, so you won't have any worries about the condition in which your Power Rangers Funko Pops will arrive.

Each Power Ranger, standing at the traditional Funko four inches tall, comes equipped with their signature weapon and dinosaur-themed helmet. Small details, such as the Morphin Grid belt buckle, add authenticity to these miniature heroes.

One special shout-out goes to the Green Ranger, also listed for preorder. He comes with his unique flute-dagger, a key to summon his trusty DragonZord. This is the same mould we have seen in the recent Box Of Fun, Freddy As Green Ranger. The detail of the sword and the Morphin Grid is awesome (take a look at my glow Freddy Green Ranger below!).

If you want to add a Freddy Funko As Green Ranger to your collection, take a look at eBay.

Whether you're a fan from way back or a recent convert, this 30th Anniversary collection of Power Rangers Funko Pops is a fantastic way to celebrate the enduring legacy of these colourful, martial arts-practising superheroes!

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