Funko TMNT Pop Prices - Casey Jones

The first Funko NFT project dropped almost 8 months ago on August 3 2021. This month, those lucky people who collected TMNT legendary, Grail and Mastery sets, and redeemed a redemption coin, finally got their hands on those precious limited Funko Pops!

Now the physicals are in hand, how are they selling on secondary markets?  We have taken a look at Mercari and eBay to get an idea of how much these coveted pops are trading for.

First up in our investigation - Casey Jones!

Casey Jones

Casey Jones

Casey Jones was always at the bottom of the value charts when trading on the secondary NFT market. He is a well-loved TMNT character, the design just didn't seem to resonate with the NFT audience.

Casey Jones real name is Arnold Bernid Jones. Casey is a nickname and probably sounds a little more menacing than Arnold Bernid!

Although there were many sales of the legendary Casey Jones NFT, let's take a look at the redemption coins which dropped three months after launch. This gets us away from launch hype and closer to the value of redeeming the physicals.

Redemption Coin

In December 2021, the Casey Jones redemption coin could be redeemed for the physical pop. Trades on the secondary market were also frequent, with 69 sales taking place.

Casey Jones Redemption Coin

When we take a look at these sales during the December redemption period, this is what we see:

Average $ Max Sale Min Sale
$97.22 $136.35 $49.91

The average price was only $97.22 for the redemption coin, which could be redeemed for the physical pop. One lucky person also grabbed it for only $49.91, an absolute bargain for the hockey-mask wearing vigilante.

We did exclude the actual top sale of $462.30 as it was for the mint #1, which was bought to not redeem, but be kept as an NFT collectible (it's actually back up for sale for the same price, so there may be some regrets with the purchase!).

We also excluded any bundles in the data, as the price is harder to judge per item.

Physical Pop!

1,146 Casey Jones Coins were eventually redeemed and are now in physical circulation (the sticker still says 1467 pcs which was the max possible quantity, with the excess set to be destroyed by Funko).

Surprisingly to some, the Casey Jones physical turned out to be a kick-ass pop! It looks really good and much better than expected, at least in my humble opinion.

Although early days and at the time of writing, I've been able to source 8 sales across Merkari and eBay. I've only included 'in-hand' sales, rather than those that were placed before the physicals were released.

This is what we have so far:

Average $ Max Sale Min Sale
$298 $361 $250

As we can see, the average price is close to 3x the price of the redemption coin. That's superb value for anyone who picked up a redemption coin and redeemed it for this pop! Even if you paid the max of $136.35, you have still grabbed a bargain for the Casey Jones Funko pop.

It pays to get in early.

Of course, there is still plenty of time to see the physical price settle over the coming weeks and months. Regardless of the value, it's a great pop to have in your collection.

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