Droppp Announces Funko Power Rangers The Movie NFTs

It's been an unusually long wait since the last Funko NFTs dropped on July 13th. Finally, we now have the next Funko NFT drop and we are covering familiar territory with the second installment of Funko Power Rangers NFTs.

Funko Power Rangers The Movie NFTs will drop on August 22 @ 2 pm ET.

Announced by Droppp on X, we can see at least five of the physicals Funko Pops that will be on offer, including Billy, Kimberly, Tommy and Aisha, who make up the legendary NFTs and Freddy Funko as Ivan Ooze for the Royalty set.

Dulcea will be the Grail for the Funko Power Rangers The Movie NFTs set, the very fact that this image file found on Droppp is called 'grail-packs-hero-small' is definitely the giveaway.

As for pack counts, it's the exact same size as the first Power Rangers drop, 22,500 of each pack type, so I do expect these to sell out despite the weaker physical Funko Pops.

Pack Amount Released No. of NFTs Launch Price Launch Date
Standard Pack 22,500 5 $9.99 August 22, 2023
Premium Pack 22,500 15 $29.99 August 22, 2023

As usual, we will post up our Ultimate Guide soon with all the latest information and odds calculator, so make sure to keep up to date with Arodie!

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